Did you know? Susan provides peer support, coaching, and mentoring for psychologists setting up and running their independent private practice.
Whether you are just starting out, or have been running your own independent private practice for some time, it is wise to engage an experienced coach or mentor, who can guide you through the complexities and potential pitfalls, including:
- business structure
- budgeting and planning
- setting fees
- policies and procedures
- award, industry and fairwork standards and resources
- taxation
- superannuation
- employing: casual, PT or FT
- contracting
- practice management
- admin support
- insurance
- security
- IT
- practice software
- renting, buying or building: zoning, permits, etc
- and more ...
Yes, the mind boggles!
Setting up and maintaining a private practice that is clinically successful, financially viable and sustainable over the long term, is challenging, and there are no units on how to do this, in any psychology course you may have completed. Meeting with and talking to an experienced peer may be just what you need, to give you the umph to get started, and/or to keep going.
Email us!
If you are a fellow psychologist who needs peer support, coaching, or mentoring, click on the EMAIL box below.